MEET: Mr Magnet :Could Make Objects Stick To His Body
For any ordinary person, a fork, a spoon and a bland set of
kitchen utensils would not generate much excitement....
But for
Muhibija Buljubasic, the items present a chance for him to show off his special
talent - of sticking random objects onto parts of his body.
56-year-old from Srebenik, Bosina and Herzegovina, says he discovered the
unusual talent five years ago.
He has not
had any practice and has not trained his body in any way, but believes his body
gives off a 'special energy' which means the items stay attached to his skin.
At first, he
began placing metal objects on his face and body, but soon realised plastic
gadgets, such as mobile phones and remote controls, worked too.
talent: Muhibija Buljubasic, 56, stands as his wife Senija puts cutlery on his
body at their home in Srebrenik, Bosnia and Herzegovina
He began using metal kitchen utensils to experiment with his
strange ability before moving on to other objects
Gadgets: Here, he poses with a Samsung Galaxy S4 mobile
phone resting on his head, proving that he could also attach plastic items to
his skin. He discovered the talent five years ago
Dishes: As well as the metal tray, his wife assists him in
attaching a small china plate to his forehead. His closed eyes show he is
Mr Buljubasic also discovered that he could stick remote
controls to his head. He claims he developed the unusual skill without any
practice and without preparing his body in anyway
Side view: A different angle shows he can stick cutlery onto
his shoulders and around the top of his back
Muhibija Buljubasic, 56, poses for photo with cutlery and a
Samsung Galaxy S4 phone on his body and head.
MEET: Mr Magnet :Could Make Objects Stick To His Body
Reviewed by G

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